Perfect Smile Aligner Rochester

Perfect Smile Aligner clear braces

If you would love to have your teeth straightened, but don’t like the thought of wearing traditional metal braces, then you should consider clear braces.

Clear braces don’t just straighten teeth, they can:

  • Close unwanted gaps
  • Space out crowded teeth
  • Correct protruding teeth
  • Correct bite problems including under, over, open and cross bite

Clear aligners are made of transparent thin plastic which work by sitting over the top of your teeth rather than being fixed to the front of your teeth. There are no brackets or wires which means our patients throughout Rochester, Gillingham, Chatham and beyond find them comfortable to wear. They are also removable, so it is easier to keep the clear braces as well as your teeth clean, plus there is the benefit of being able to take them out for a special occasion like a wedding.

If you agree to go ahead with the treatment, your teeth will be photographed and X-Rayed. You may have impressions, or a scan taken of your teeth and mouth and this will be used to build your bespoke clear braces. You will be given a series of clear aligners which you need to change on a regular basis – usually weekly which allows for the gradual movement in your teeth.

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Benefits of clear aligners in Rochester

Perfect Smile Aligner clear braces at Eastgate Dental can:


  • Fix a variety of dental issues including overcrowded, protruding and bite problems
  • Straighten your teeth without anyone else knowing
  • Be removed to eat, drink, brush and for special occasions
  • Help you to maintain a good oral hygiene routine by taking out your clear aligners and brushing your teeth as usual
  • Have the smile you’ve always wanted in a matter of months
  • Have less trips to see your dentist as your clear aligners are made up front for you

FAQ's about Perfect Smile Aligner

How will these clear braces feel when they’re first fitted?

Like all dental braces, it may take a few days for you to get used to wearing your clear aligners. You may notice a slight lisp as your mouth adjusts to wearing something new in your mouth and this should soon go. In the first day or two and whenever you change your clear aligners, you may notice that your clear braces feel tight or you may feel some pressure on your teeth. This is normal and will reduce in time, you can take paracetamol for any initial discomfort. Other than that, most of our patients report that wearing clear braces has no other impact; you can continue with your life as usual.

Why do I have a series of clear aligners to wear rather than one brace?

You are given a series of clear aligners because each one has been made for a certain point in your treatment plan and accommodates the slow movement in your teeth as they are being corrected.

What happens if I lose or break one of the clear aligners?

If you break or lose one of your clear aligners, you should call us at Eastgate Dental as soon as you can. We will be able to advise you on what to do next. This may include moving on to the next clear aligner in your plan or wearing the clear aligner from the previous week. For this reason, we suggest that you don’t throw any of your clear aligners away until you have finished your teeth straightening treatment.

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