Dentures Rochester

Replace missing teeth with dentures in Rochester

If you have missing teeth or teeth that are in bad condition, you can replace them with dentures to give a better smile. They can also help in protecting the health of any remaining teeth that you have.

Dentures are false teeth which are attached to a plate made of plastic or nylon that fits over the gums. The plate is removable, and you take it out to clean your teeth and usually to go to sleep.


Dentures differ from dental implants because they are not permanently fixed to your jaw. They need to be carefully cleaned and looked after. Dentures usually need to be replaced or re-lined after a few years of being first fitted.

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Types of dentures

At Eastgate Dental we offer the following types of dentures:

Complete dentures

Complete dentures are a full set of false teeth. Your new set of teeth will sit on top of a plastic plate which you wear over the top of your gums. These dentures are a good option if you are missing most or all of your teeth.

Partial dentures

As the name suggests, these dentures are made up of an acrylic plate which supports one or a few false teeth on top. This is a good option if you are missing one single tooth or if you have a few missing teeth.

Implant based dentures

This option combines dental implants with dentures. Dental implants are gently placed into the jawbone using a local anaesthetic. This supports the acrylic base that sits over the top of the gums, and this plate contains the new false teeth. The benefit of implant-based dentures is that they are much more stable than complete or partial dentures. The plate is less likely to slip, require fewer adjustments and be more comfortable to wear over time.

Benefits of dentures in Rochester

We have fitted hundreds of patients throughout Rochester, Gillingham and Chatham with dentures. Here are the benefits of getting dentures fitted at Eastgate Dental:

  • Replace gaps in your mouth with natural looking teeth
  • Boost your self-esteem with a lovely new smile
  • Improve the shape of your face and mouth
  • Protect the health of any remaining teeth
  • Dentures are a cheaper option than dental implants
  • Our friendly and supportive staff are experts in fitting and repairing dentures

FAQ's about Dentures

Does it hurt to get dentures?

The process of getting dentures fitted doesn’t hurt. You may experience some discomfort when you first start wearing dentures as you learn to adjust to having something new on your gums. It may take between 2 and 4 weeks for your dentures to settle properly into your gums. In the meantime, you can take paracetamol or painkillers for any discomfort.

What foods can I eat when I have my dentures?

Like anything, it may take some time for you to adjust to wearing dentures. You may find it difficult to bite into hard foods like apples and crusty bread. Whilst you are getting used to your dentures, we would recommend eating soft foods and to cut your food into small pieces before eating. In the long term, you may want to consider dental implants for the security and ability to eat any foods that you like.

How long do dentures last for?

Dentures will eventually need to be replaced and this usually needs to happen between 5 and 8 years. You will need to get your dentures replaced because over time the dentures get worn out and your gums may change or recede in time too.

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